Our Story


Hello, I’m Natasha, founder of Eco Bonobo.

I have a young family - like so many people, I was concerned about our impact on the world and was desperate to try and reduce our single use plastic consumption. Everywhere I looked in our home, I could see products that would end up in landfill after its short life, and I wanted to do something about it - to find some small way we could do our bit; make our contribution towards fixing the world for our children.

Some things were easy to replace, some less so. I started in the bathroom - bamboo toothbrushes, shampoo bars, paper cotton buds - you name it, I bought it. But it became a chore - shopping from a hundred different places online, not being able to touch or smell anything before trying it out... and if it didn’t work, to try again and again till I found one that did. And that was just one rooms worth of products!

So I wanted to do something about it - to make it easier for others like me who desperately want to make a difference. And that's how Eco Bonobo was born - all the stuff you need, tried and tested by me and my family (and my friends, the neighbours, the postman, basically anyone I could get to listen!) - but plastic free, cruelty free, ethical, and affordable - all in one place... .
